When you are learning Russian (or any other language for that matter) you also have to learn the customs of Russia. Not the big traditions but small things obvious for a native but flabbergasting for you.
Welcome to Russian house!

For example, do you know that in Russia you have to take off your shoes when you enter a house? No one goes around a house in shoes – you go either barefoot, in socks or in slippers. Some families even have a dozen of spare slippers in different sizes kept for the guests
Russian people don't smile?
It's sufficiently common stereotype that Russian people are gloomy and rude, but such behavior often confuse with honesty!

One thing is sure about most Russians: they are straightforward. Especially when it comes to phone conversations with friends and relatives.
It is common for a Russian to answer the phone with:

- Call you later (Перезвоню)

- Can't speak right now (Не могу сейчас говорить)

- I'm in the subway (Я в метро)

No 'hellos' or 'howareyous' just this phrase and then you drop the call. While it might seem rude no close friend would be offended by it.

Going straight to the point is practical and they would have done the same.

Addiction to calligraphy
If you have learnt all Russian block letters it doesn't guarantee that you understand Russian writing by hand.

Almost all of Russians use cursive writing. In school this type of writing is obligatory from the second form. All documents, letters and notes are usually written by cursive writing.

Therefore, try to learn both types of writing while learning Russian

The main dish
"First, second and compote" – a persistent expression about standard composition of Russian lunch that is not so far from the truth. And if second and compote can be different, first dish is always a soup.

There is a plenty variety of vegetable soups: soup on fresh cabbage or sauerkraut, soup on pickled cucumbers, mushroom soup, sorrel soup, nettle soup.

All of these soups people eat even in hot weather, but there are also some special cold "summer soups" for sultry days.

If you think that Russians don't have soup for a breakfast, you are mistaken. There is milk soup which made of vermicelli, milk and sugar. Usually it is eaten by kids.
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